
Develop a token with an integrated tax feature. This feature will collect tax in the destination-swapped token instead of the native token. This strategy is intended to mitigate distortion and selling pressure on the token while generating revenue.

We have previously developed a Crucible Contract that handles the token router functionality and custom fee logic; we have the Fiber Router that handles the DEX router logic. A combination of these two will result in Iron Tax contract listed below.


graph TD;
    Token[Token Contract] --> TokenRouter[Token Router];
    TokenRouter -->|Wallet to Wallet Transfer| RegularTransfer[Regular Transfer];
    TokenRouter -->|Trade via DexRouter| TradeTransfer[Trade Transfer];
    RegularTransfer -->|Determine: Not a DexRouter Transfer| FeeLogic[Fee Logic for Regular Transfer];
    FeeLogic --> FeeInNative[Tax in Native Token];
    FeeInNative --> FeeCollector[Fee Collector];
    FeeLogic --> TransferAmount[Transfer Remaining Tokens];
    TransferAmount --> DesiredDestinationAddress[Desired Destination Transfer Address];
    TradeTransfer -->|Identify as DexRouter Transfer| DexRouterLogic[DexRouter Logic];
    DexRouterLogic --> SendToDexRouter[Send Tokens to DexRouter];
    SendToDexRouter --> DexPool[Dex Pool];
    DexPool --> BackToTokenRouter[Back to Token Router];
    BackToTokenRouter --> FeeInDestinationToken[Tax in Destination Token];
    FeeInDestinationToken --> FeeCollectionAddress[Fee Collection Address];
    BackToTokenRouter --> DestinationTokenPostFee[Post Fee Destination Token];
    DestinationTokenPostFee --> DesiredDestinationSwapAddress[Desired Destination Swap Address];


Multichain Token Standard

We will need to incorporate this with the Multichain token standard.